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آموزش minify کردن ( بهینه سازی قالب ) در نیوک 8.4

ارسال شده: چهارشنبه ۲ خرداد ۱۳۹۷, ۵:۴۱ ب.ظ
توسط keyvandesigner_com
با سلام و درود با اهالی پی اچ پی نیوک دوستان

با توجه به اینکه وردپرس پر قدرت آمد و پی اچ پی نیوک رو از میدون رقابت خارج کرد ، ما همه باید دست به دست هم بدیم که همه به این سیستم قدرتمند اپن سورس بازگردند

نقاط ضعفی که در پی اچ پی نیوک هست و در وردپرس به آن خیلی دقیق اشاره شده چند تا فاکتور هست که به زودی بهتون آموزش میدم

اولین فاکتور بهینه سازی کد های قالب هست ،

برای minify کردن اچ تی ام ال صفحه و لودینگ بهتره صفحه فایل زیر را در روت قالب خود فراخون کنید

یعنی به مسیر زیر
themes/your theme/HTMLMinifier.php
بعد کد های زیر رو داخلش اضافه کنید و ذخیر کنید

کد: انتخاب همه

HTML Minifier
This is a static PHP class that minifies HTML. To use it, call HTMLMinifier::process() and pass your
HTML into it. You can also initialise it so that you can use the function non-statically. Either way
is fine.

@author Terence Pek <terence@terresquall.com>
@website www.terresquall.com
@version 3.0.9
@dated 13/05/2018
@notes - Fixed a bug causing <style scoped> tags to not have their comments cleaned.
- Fixed a bug with <style> types nested in IE conditional tags causing a fatal error.
- <script> tags that have an 'id' attribute are no longer merged with other scripts.
- Non-Javascript <script> tags are no longer moved, and Javascript comments in them are no longer removed.
- Added support for 'compression_ignored_tags' and deprecated 'compression_ignore_script_tags'.
- Double slashes (//) in Javascript regex blocks no longer get identified as comments.
- Added support for minifying JS / CSS files.
- Modified ::compress() so that it can now exclude tags from compression. Excluded <textarea> tags from being compressed.
- Make get_tags() handle nested tags.
Fixed a bug where any Javascript blocks with CDATA will not have their comments cleaned.
Resolved a few bugs with whitespace being left behind if you choose to not compress script tags.
Fixed a bug that caused chunks of non-conditional commented content to be removed.
- Made $CacheFolder more lenient with directory separators.
- Force comment cleaning for 'all_whitespace' compression mode. 
- Fixed a bug with script tags inside conditional comments.
class HTMLMinifier {
public static $CacheFolder = ''; // Set this at the end of the file. If empty, there will be no caching.
public static $CacheExpiry = 86400; // Time in seconds. 86400 is 1 day.
const VERSION = '3.0.9';
const SIGNATURE = 'Original size: %d bytes, minified: %d bytes. HTMLMinifier: www.terresquall.com/web/html-minifier.';
const CACHE_SIG = 'Server cached on %s.';
static $Signature; // Signature processed by sprintf() is placed here.
// For documentation.
static $CompressionMode = array(
'none' => 'None',
//'pretty_indent' => 'Pretty indent',
'all_whitespace_not_newlines' => 'All whitespace except newlines',
'all_whitespace' => 'All whitespaces'
static $Defaults = array(
// General options.
'clean_html_comments' => true,
'merge_multiple_head_tags' => true,
'merge_multiple_body_tags' => true,
'show_signature' => true, // Show signature at the end.
// Stylesheet optimisations.
'clean_css_comments' => array('remove_comments_with_cdata_tags_css' => false),
'shift_link_tags_to_head' => array('ignore_link_schema_tags' => true),
'shift_meta_tags_to_head' => array('ignore_meta_schema_tags' => true),
'shift_style_tags_to_head' => array('combine_style_tags' => false),
// Javascript optimisations.
'clean_js_comments' => array('remove_comments_with_cdata_tags_js' => false),
//'compression_ignore_script_tags' => true, //LEGACY ATTRIBUTE
'shift_script_tags_to_bottom' => false, // 'combine_javascript_in_script_tags', 'ignore_async_and_defer_tags'
// How do you want to compress the script?
'compression_mode' => 'all_whitespace_not_newlines',
'compression_ignored_tags' => array('textarea','pre','script') // NEW THING, NOT IMPLEMENTED.
private static $Presets = array(
'super_safe' => array(
'merge_multiple_head_tags' => false,
'merge_multiple_body_tags' => false,
'shift_link_tags_to_head' => false,
'shift_meta_tags_to_head' => false,
'shift_style_tags_to_head' => false,
'safe' => array(),
'moderate' => array(
'shift_style_tags_to_head' => array('combine_style_tags' => false),
'shift_script_tags_to_bottom' => array('combine_javascript_in_script_tags' => false, 'ignore_async_and_defer_tags' => true),
'fully_optimised' => array(
'shift_style_tags_to_head' => array('combine_style_tags' => true),
'shift_script_tags_to_bottom' => array('combine_javascript_in_script_tags' => true, 'ignore_async_and_defer_tags' => true),
//'compression_ignore_script_tags' => false, //LEGACY ATTRIBUTE
'compression_mode' => 'all_whitespace'
private static $SelfClosingTags = array('area','base','br','col','embed','hr','img','input','keygen','link','menuitem','meta','param','source','track','wbr','!--');
public function __construct() { throw new Exception("Please don't try to initialise the HTMLMinifier class! Use it as a static class."); }
// Get preset settings for process().
public static function get_presets($type) {
if(!array_key_exists($type,self::$Presets)) return null;
return array_merge(self::$Defaults,self::$Presets[$type]);
// This is THE function that you call when you use this.
// Refer to self::$Defaults for what to fill $options with.
public static function process($html,$options = null,$cache_key = '') {
// If cache key is provided, try to retrieve from cache first.
if($cache_key) {
$out = HTMLMinifier::cache($cache_key);
if($out !== false) return $out;
// Let's start processing our stuff here.
$startLen = strlen($html); // Save original size.
$out = $html;
// Figure out what our compression options are.
if($options !== null && is_array($options)) $options = array_merge(self::$Defaults,$options);
else $options = self::$Defaults;
// Force 'clean_js_comments' and 'clean_css_comments' if the compression mode is all whitespace.
if($options['compression_mode'] === 'all_whitespace') {
$options['clean_js_comments'] = true;
$options['clean_css_comments'] = true;
// Remove all HTML comments if they are not conditional comments.
$comments = array();
$conditionals = array();
$out = self::remove_html_comments($out,$comments,$conditionals,$options['clean_html_comments']);
// Get all content that is wrapped between two conditionals that matter.
preg_match_all('@(<!-- \\[htmlminifier\\[[0-9]*?cs\\]\\] -->)([\\s\\S]*?)(<!-- \\[htmlminifier\\[[0-9]*?ce\\]\\] -->)@',$out,$wrapped_conditionals);
foreach($wrapped_conditionals[2] as $k => $c) {
// Make sure that there is a head tag in the document.
$head_tags = self::get_tags('head',$out);
$head_count = count($head_tags[0]);
// Empty the contents of the head tag(s).
$head = null;
if($head_count > 1) {
if($options['merge_multiple_head_tags']) {
$head = '';
foreach($head_tags[2] as $h) {
$out = self::replace($h,'',$out);
$head .= $h;
} else {
$head = array();
foreach($head_tags[2] as $h) {
$out = self::replace($h,'',$out);
} elseif($head_count === 1) {
$head = $head_tags[2][0];
$out = self::replace($head,'',$out);
// Process stylesheet stuff here as contents outside stylesheet will be moved to bottom of head.
$out = self::process_css_options($out,$options,$head,$comments,$conditionals,$wrapped_conditionals);
// Put <head> back and begin to process <script> tags.
if($head) {
$empty_heads = self::get_tags('head',$out);
if(count($empty_heads[0]) > 0) {
if(is_array($head)) {
foreach($empty_heads[0] as $i => $m) {
if(empty($head[$i])) $out = self::replace($m,'',$out); // Remove this tag if there are no contents for it.
else $out = self::replace($m,$empty_heads[1][$i] . PHP_EOL . $head[$i] . PHP_EOL . $empty_heads[3][$i],$out);
} else {
$out = self::replace($empty_heads[0][0],$empty_heads[1][0] . PHP_EOL . $head . PHP_EOL . $empty_heads[3][0],$out);
unset($empty_heads[0][0],$empty_heads[1][0],$empty_heads[2][0],$empty_heads[3][0]); // Remove these matches as they have been used.
foreach($empty_heads[0] as $m) $out = self::replace($m,'',$out);
} else trigger_error('Trying to put back <head> tag contents, but we cannot find any empty <head> tag anymore!',E_USER_ERROR);
$out = self::process_script_options($out,$options,$comments,$conditionals,$wrapped_conditionals);
// We are still checking for 'compression_ignore_script_tags' for backward compatibility.
if( !empty($options['compression_ignore_script_tags']) && !in_array('script',$options['compression_ignored_tags']) )
$options['compression_ignored_tags'][] = 'script';
$out = self::compress($out,$options['compression_mode'],$options['compression_ignored_tags']);
// Replace all the comments that are saved.
if(preg_match_all('@<!-- \\[htmlminifier\\[([0-9a-z]*)\\]\\] -->@i',$out,$tagged_comments)) {
foreach($tagged_comments[0] as $k => $tc) {
if(array_key_exists($tagged_comments[1][$k],$comments)) {
$new_comment = $comments[$tagged_comments[1][$k]];
if(substr($tagged_comments[1][$k],-1) === 'c') $new_comment = self::compress($new_comment,$options['compression_mode'],$options['compression_ignored_tags']);
$out = self::replace($tc,'<!--'.$new_comment.'-->',$out);
} else
$out = self::replace($tc,'',$out);
// Append signature at the end of the document
if($options['show_signature']) {
self::$Signature = sprintf(self::SIGNATURE, $startLen, strlen($out));
$pos = strrpos($out,'</html>');
// Terminate if the </html> tag is missing.
if($pos === false) {
//trigger_error('HTMLMinifier::process(): Missing </html> tag.',E_USER_ERROR);
return $out;
$out = substr_replace($out,'<!-- ' . self::$Signature . ' --></html>',$pos,7);
// Cache if there is a key.
if($cache_key) HTMLMinifier::cache($cache_key,$out);
return $out;
// Used to compress JS or CSS files.
// $source - file data in string format.
// $filetype - "js" or "css".
// $options - the same stuff that you use for HTMLMinifier::process.
public static function minify_rsc($source,$filetype,$options = null,$cache_key = '') {
// If cache key is provided, try to retrieve from cache first.
if($cache_key) {
$out = HTMLMinifier::cache($cache_key);
if($out !== false) return $out;
// Figure out what our compression options are.
if($options !== null && is_array($options)) $options = array_merge(self::$Defaults,$options);
else $options = self::$Defaults;
$orig_size = strlen($source); // Saves the original size of the source.
// Remove comments if required.
switch($filetype) {
case 'js': case 'javascript':
if($options['clean_js_comments'] || $options['compression_mode'] === 'all_whitespace')
$source = self::remove_comments($source,'javascript');
case 'css':
if($options['clean_css_comments'] || $options['compression_mode'] === 'all_whitespace')
$source = self::remove_comments($source,'css');
$out = trim(self::compress($source,$options['compression_mode'])); // Compress the source.
$new_size = strlen($out); // Saves the new size.
// Format the signature.
if($options['show_signature']) {
$sig = sprintf(self::SIGNATURE,$orig_size,$new_size);
if($cache_key) $sig .= PHP_EOL . sprintf(self::CACHE_SIG,date('d M Y'));
$out = '/* ' . PHP_EOL . $sig . PHP_EOL . '*/' . PHP_EOL . $out; // Add the signature.
if($cache_key) HTMLMinifier::cache($cache_key,$out); // Cache if there is a key.
return $out;
// This is the function used for both caching and retrieving cached views. If only the first argument is passed, it
// RETRIEVES a cached file. If the second argument is passed, it CACHES a file (unless the argument is false).
// $path - Key in the absolute path of the URL.
// $arg - Content that you want to cache the file with.
public static function cache($path,$arg = null) {
if(!$path) {
trigger_error('Empty / invalid string provided for cache key.',E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$ext = pathinfo($path,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$hash = md5($path);
$folderpath = realpath(self::$CacheFolder);
$fullpath = $folderpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $hash;
if($ext) $fullpath .= ".$ext";
else $fullpath .= '.html';
// Check if we can write into the folder.
if(!is_writable($folderpath)) {
trigger_error("HTMLMinifier::cache(): Assigned folder for storing the cached file '" . self::$CacheFolder . "' is not writeable or does not exist.");
return false;
if($arg && gettype($arg) === 'string') {
$arg = str_replace(self::$Signature,self::$Signature . ' ' . sprintf(self::CACHE_SIG,date('d M Y')),$arg);
return file_put_contents($fullpath,$arg);
} else {
if(!file_exists($fullpath)) return false;
elseif(!is_readable($fullpath)) { // This is just to notify the user that the cache is not working.
trigger_error("HTMLMinifier::cache(): The cached file '$fullpath' is not readable so the cache is not working.");
return false;
// Check for expiry.
if(self::$CacheExpiry > 0 && (is_null($arg) || $arg === true)) {
if(time() - filectime($fullpath) > self::$CacheExpiry) {
trigger_error("HTMLMinifier::cache(): Unable to delete expired cached file of '$path'.");
return false;
return file_get_contents($fullpath);
// Processes options related to CSS, and moves relevant tag to the provided source for head.
// $comments - Array from the main processing thread.
// $conditionals - Array from the main processing thread.
// $wrapped_conditionals - Array from the main processing thread.
private static function process_css_options($source, $options, &$head, &$comments, &$conditionals, &$wrapped_conditionals) {
// If no CSS options are enabled, skip this part.
if(!($options['clean_css_comments'] || $options['shift_link_tags_to_head'] || $options['shift_meta_tags_to_head'] || $options['shift_style_tags_to_head']))
return $source;
$ignore_cdata_comments = empty($options['clean_css_comments']['remove_comments_with_cdata_tags_css']);
$ignore_link_schema_tags = !empty($options['shift_link_tags_to_head']['ignore_link_schema_tags']);
$ignore_meta_schema_tags = !empty($options['shift_meta_tags_to_head']['ignore_meta_schema_tags']);
// If we are cleaning CSS comments, clean the comments in our <head> tags first.
if($options['clean_css_comments'] && $head) {
// Check if $head is an array.
if(is_array($head)) $head_arr = $head;
else $head_arr = array($head);

// Clean out comments in head.
foreach($head_arr as $id => $head_item) {
$head_css = self::get_tags('style',$head_item);
foreach($head_css[0] as $k => $m) {
if(preg_match('@^<style@i',$head_css[1][$k])) {
$head_css_body = self::remove_comments($head_css[2][$k],'css',$ignore_cdata_comments);
$head_arr[$id] = self::replace($m,$head_css[1][$k].$head_css_body.$head_css[3][$k],$head_item);
if(count($head_arr) > 1) $head = $head_arr;
else $head = $head_arr[0];
// Target all the tags relevant to CSS.
$targets = array('style','noscript','!--');
if($head) $targets = array_merge(array('link','meta'),$targets);
// Handle all found tags relevant to CSS.
$css = self::get_tags($targets,$source);
$wrapped_styles = array(); // Store all wrapped styles here in case we are combining script tags.
foreach($css[0] as $k => $m) {
if(preg_match('@^<noscript@i',$css[1][$k])) continue; // Ignore everything inside a <noscript> tag.
// Evaluates what to do depending on what is the tag.
if($head && preg_match('@^<link@i',$css[1][$k])) {
// Shifts all found <link> tags to head.
if($options['shift_link_tags_to_head']) {
// Schema.org <link> tags can belong outside of head.
if($ignore_link_schema_tags) {
$attrb = self::get_tag_attributes($m);
if(isset($attrb['itemscope'])) continue;
// Remove the tag from its original position.
$source = self::replace($m,'',$source);
// Does $m belong inside IE conditional tags? If so, wrap it around the conditional tag it belongs to.
if(is_array($head)) $head[count($head)-1] .= $m;
else $head .= $m;

} elseif($head && preg_match('@^<meta@i',$css[1][$k])) {
// Shifts all found <meta> tags to head.
if($options['shift_meta_tags_to_head']) {
// Schema.org <meta> tags can belong outside of head.
if($ignore_meta_schema_tags) {
$attrb = self::get_tag_attributes($m);
if(isset($attrb['itemscope'])) continue;
// Remove the tag from its original position.
$source = self::replace($m,'',$source);
// Does $m belong inside IE conditional tags? If so, wrap it around the conditional tag it belongs to.
if(is_array($head)) $head[count($head)-1] .= $m;
else $head .= $m;
} elseif(preg_match('@^<style@i',$css[1][$k])) {
// Remove comments in the tag, regardless of whether we are shifting the tags.
if($options['clean_css_comments']) {
$css[2][$k] = self::remove_comments($css[2][$k],'css',$ignore_cdata_comments);
$css[0][$k] = $css[1][$k].$css[2][$k].$css[3][$k];
// Shifts all found <style> tags to head.
if($options['shift_style_tags_to_head']) {
// Ignore <style> tags that have the scoped attribute (process them for comments first).
$style = self::get_tag_attributes($css[1][$k]);
if(isset($style['scoped'])) {
if($options['clean_css_comments']) $source = self::replace($m,$css[0][$k],$source);
// For use below.
$style_tag = $css[0][$k];
// Removing the tag from source and appending it to head.
$source = self::replace($m,'',$source);
// A little different from _is_in_wrapped_conditionals().
foreach($wrapped_conditionals[2] as $k => $w) {
// If we find that our tag is inside a conditional statement, wrap it up in the condition before moving it up.
if(strpos($w,$m) !== false) {
array_push($wrapped_styles,$style_tag); // Record for use later.
$wrapped_conditionals[2][$k] = self::replace($m,'',$wrapped_conditionals[2][$k]);
$style_tag = $wrapped_conditionals[1][$k] . $style_tag . $wrapped_conditionals[3][$k];
// Remove this conditional from the source if there is nothing else inside it.
// Otherwise reform the match array.
$wrapped_conditionals[0][$k] = $wrapped_conditionals[1][$k] . $wrapped_conditionals[2][$k] . $wrapped_conditionals[3][$k];
else {
$source = self::replace($wrapped_conditionals[3][$k],'',self::replace($wrapped_conditionals[1][$k],'',$source));
// In case there is an error, here is an error for a backtrace.
if($source === false) trigger_error('There seems to be a problem with HTMLMinifier.');
if(is_array($head)) $head[count($head)-1] .= $style_tag;
else $head .= $style_tag;

} else {
// Just reinject the comments if we are not moving them about.
$source = self::replace($m,$css[0][$k],$source);

} else {
$comment_tag = self::_extract_comment_tag($css[1][$k]);
// If this is a valid comment tag.
if($comment_tag && isset($comments[$comment_tag])) {
// Find style tags in the comment and remove CSS comments within.
if($options['clean_css_comments']) {
$styles = self::get_tags('style',$comments[$comment_tag]);
foreach($styles[0] as $key => $str) {
if(!preg_match('@^<style@i',$str)) continue;
$styles[2][$key] = self::remove_comments($styles[2][$key],'css',$ignore_cdata_comments);
$styles[0][$key] = $styles[1][$key] . $styles[2][$key] . $styles[3][$key];
$comments[$comment_tag] = self::replace($str,$styles[0][$key],$comments[$comment_tag]);
// Ignore this section if there is no head.
if($head) {
// No point scanning the comments if we are not moving any tags to the head.
if($options['shift_link_tags_to_head'] && $head) array_push($targets,'link');
if($options['shift_style_tags_to_head']) array_push($targets,'style');
if($options['shift_meta_tags_to_head'] && $head) array_push($targets,'meta');
// Capture <noscript> tags last to deprioritise them (I think, I forget).

$in_css = self::get_tags($targets,$comments[$comment_tag]);
if(count($in_css[0]) > 0) {
$new_cond = ''; // This is the string that will be injected into <head>.
foreach($in_css[0] as $str) {
if(preg_match('@^<noscript@i',$str)) continue; // Ignore contents inside <noscript> tags.
$comments[$comment_tag] = self::replace($str,'',$comments[$comment_tag]);
$new_cond .= $str.PHP_EOL;
if(preg_match('@(\\[if\\s[\\s\\S]*?\\]>)([\\s\\S]*?)(<!\\[endif\\])@i',$comments[$comment_tag],$if_cond)) {
$numbering = $k.'hc';
$new_cond = $if_cond[1] . $new_cond . $if_cond[3]; // Wrap up the condition in an if statement.
$comments[$numbering] = $new_cond;
if(is_array($head)) $head[count($head)-1] .= "<!-- [htmlminifier[$numbering]] -->" . PHP_EOL;
else $head .= "<!-- [htmlminifier[$numbering]] -->" . PHP_EOL;
// If this comment is all whitespace, remove it.
if(!trim($if_cond[2])) unset($comments[$comment_tag]);
} else trigger_error('It seems like there is some error in your HTML conditional.',E_USER_ERROR);

// Combine all separate style tags without attributes.
if($head && $options['shift_style_tags_to_head'] && !empty($options['shift_style_tags_to_head']['combine_style_tags'])) {
$css = self::get_tags('style|noscript',$head);
// If there is only 1 tag, don't need to do this.
if(count($css[0]) > 1) {
$new_style = '<style>';
foreach($css[1] as $k => $c) {
if(in_array($css[0][$k],$wrapped_styles)) continue; // Ignore all <style> tags wrapped in conditionals.
if(preg_match('@<noscript@i',$c)) continue; // Ignore all <style> tags inside <noscript> at the moment.
$attrb = self::get_tag_attributes($c);
// Basically, we are only combining style tags without the media attribute, or with [type="text/css"].
if(!$attrb || (!isset($attrb['media']) && (!isset($attrb['type']) || $attrb['type'] === 'text/css'))) {
$head = self::replace($css[0][$k],'',$head);
$new_style .= $css[2][$k];
$new_style .= '</style>';
if(is_array($head)) $head[count($head)-1] .= $new_style;
else $head .= $new_style;
return $source;
// This is just a common chunk of code used in process_css_options() and process_script_options().
// Returns true if the checked condition is in wrapped conditionals.
private static function _is_in_wrapped_conditionals(&$tag,&$wrapped_conditionals,&$source) {
// Does $m belong inside IE conditional tags? If so, wrap it around the conditional tag it belongs to.
foreach($wrapped_conditionals[2] as $k => $w) {
// If we find that our tag is inside a conditional statement, wrap it up in the condition before moving it up.
if(strpos($w,$tag) !== false) {
$wrapped_conditionals[2][$k] = self::replace($tag,'',$wrapped_conditionals[2][$k]);
$tag = $wrapped_conditionals[1][$k] . $tag . $wrapped_conditionals[3][$k];
// Remove this conditional from the source if there is nothing else inside it.
// Otherwise reform the match array.
$wrapped_conditionals[0][$k] = $wrapped_conditionals[1][$k] . $wrapped_conditionals[2][$k] . $wrapped_conditionals[3][$k];
else {
$source = self::replace($wrapped_conditionals[3][$k],'',self::replace($wrapped_conditionals[1][$k],'',$source));
// In case there is an error, here is an error for a backtrace.
if($source === false) trigger_error('There seems to be a problem with HTMLMinifier.');
return true;
return false;
// Extracts the numbering inside a comment from remove_html_comments().
private static function _extract_comment_tag($comment_statement) {
if(preg_match('@^<!-- \\[htmlminifier\\[([0-9]*?c?)\\]\\]@',$comment_statement,$match)) return $match[1];
return false;
// $scripts is the content of all script tags without src.
private static function process_script_options($source,$options,&$comments,&$conditionals,&$wrapped_conditionals) {
// If none of the options are turned on, then let's move on.
if(!($options['clean_js_comments'] || $options['shift_script_tags_to_bottom']))
return $source;
// Parse some nested options preemptively.
$dont_ignore_async_defer = empty($options['shift_script_tags_to_bottom']['ignore_async_and_defer_tags']);
$ignore_cdata_comments = empty($options['clean_js_comments']['remove_comments_with_cdata_tags_js']);
$combine_javascript = !empty($options['shift_script_tags_to_bottom']['combine_javascript_in_script_tags']);
if($options['shift_script_tags_to_bottom']) {
$appendix = ''; // Contains all the scripts we will be appending to the end of <body>.
$script_combine = '';
$scripts = self::get_tags(array('script','noscript','!--'),$source);
foreach($scripts[0] as $k => $s) {
if(preg_match('@^<noscript@i',$scripts[1][$k])) continue; // Causes all tags embedded in <noscript> to be ignored.
if(preg_match('@!--@',$s)) {
$comment_tag = self::_extract_comment_tag($scripts[1][$k]);
// If this is a valid comment tag.
if($comment_tag && isset($comments[$comment_tag])) {
$in_script = self::get_tags('script|noscript',$comments[$comment_tag]);
if(count($in_script[0])) {
$new_cond = ''; // This is the new element that is going to fit inside the conditional.
foreach($in_script[0] as $id => $str) {
if(preg_match('@^<noscript@i',$str)) continue; // Ignore contents inside <noscript> tags.
$attrb = self::get_tag_attributes($str);
// If this tag is not Javascript, let's ignore it and move on.
if(isset($attrb['type']) && !preg_match('@(text|application)/(x-)?javascript@i',$attrb['type']))
// Compress script if we set script compression to true.
if(trim($in_script[2][$id]) && $options['clean_js_comments'])
$in_script[2][$id] = self::remove_comments($in_script[2][$id],'js',$ignore_cdata_comments);
$in_script[3][$id] .= PHP_EOL; // Adds a line break for aesthetic purposes at the end of closing tag.
// Clean comments in Javascript if we need to.
$new_str = self::compress($in_script[1][$id] . $in_script[2][$id] . $in_script[3][$id],$options['compression_mode'],$options['compression_ignored_tags']);
// If we are moving this tag, remove it from its original position.
if( $options['shift_script_tags_to_bottom'] && !($dont_ignore_async_defer && (isset($attrb['async']) || isset($attrb['defer']))) ) {
$comments[$comment_tag] = self::replace($str,'',$comments[$comment_tag]);
$new_cond .= $new_str;
} else $comments[$comment_tag] = self::replace($str,$new_str,$comments[$comment_tag]);
// Pull out the current conditional tags of the comment we are iterating over.
if(preg_match('@(\\[if\\s[\\s\\S]*?\\]>)([\\s\\S]*?)(<!\\[endif\\])@i',$comments[$comment_tag],$if_cond)) {
// If this comment is all whitespace, remove it.
if(!trim($if_cond[2])) unset($comments[$comment_tag]);
// If we are shifting the tags to the bottom...
if($options['shift_script_tags_to_bottom']) {
// Create a new comment, seed it with a tag, and add the actual comment to the comments array.
$numbering = $k.'fc';
$new_cond = $if_cond[1] . $new_cond . $if_cond[3];
$comments[$numbering] = $new_cond;
$appendix .= "<!-- [htmlminifier[$numbering]] -->" . PHP_EOL; // Adds this to the end of the document.
} else trigger_error('It seems like there is some error in your HTML conditional: ' . $if_cond[0],E_USER_ERROR);
} else {

$attrb = self::get_tag_attributes($scripts[1][$k]);
// If this tag is not Javascript, let's ignore it and move on.
if(isset($attrb['type']) && !preg_match('@(text|application)/(x-)?javascript@i',$attrb['type']))
// Wrap scripts in conditionals with respective conditionals.
$is_wrapped = self::_is_in_wrapped_conditionals($scripts[0][$k],$wrapped_conditionals,$source);
$scripts[1][$k] = substr($scripts[0][$k],0,strpos($scripts[0][$k],$scripts[1][$k])+strlen($scripts[1][$k]));
$scripts[3][$k] = substr($scripts[0][$k],strpos($scripts[0][$k],$scripts[3][$k]));
// If this is an inline script, try and clean its comments.
if($options['clean_js_comments'] && trim($scripts[2][$k])) {
$scripts[2][$k] = self::remove_comments($scripts[2][$k],'js',$ignore_cdata_comments);
$scripts[0][$k] = $scripts[1][$k] . $scripts[2][$k] . $scripts[3][$k];
if($options['shift_script_tags_to_bottom']) {
// Don't move this tag if it has the async or defer attribute.
if( $dont_ignore_async_defer && (isset($attrb['async']) || isset($attrb['defer'])) ) continue;
// Figure out if this is a piece of script we should combine or just append at the end.
if(!isset($attrb['id']) && !$is_wrapped && trim($scripts[2][$k]) && $combine_javascript) {
// We are moving the script to the end of the page.
$source = self::replace($s,'',$source);
$script_combine .= $scripts[2][$k] . PHP_EOL;
// We are just going to append this piece of script at the end.
$source = self::replace($s,'',$source);
$appendix .= $scripts[0][$k] . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$source = self::replace($s,$scripts[0][$k],$source);
// Grab the body tag(s) in the document.
$body_tags = self::get_tags('body',$source);
$body_count = count($body_tags);
$body = null;
if($body_count > 1) {
if($options['merge_multiple_body_tags']) {
$body = '';
foreach($body_tags[2] as $b) {
$source = self::replace($b,'',$source);
$body .= $b;
} else {
$body = array();
foreach($body_tags[2] as $b) {
$source = self::replace($b,'',$source);
} elseif($body_count === 1) {
$body = $body_tags[2][0];
$source = self::replace($body,'',$source);
if($options['shift_script_tags_to_bottom']) {
// Stuff $appendix and $script_combine into the end of the body tag.
if(isset($script_combine)) $appendix .= '<script>'.$script_combine.'</script>';
if($body) {
if(is_array($body)) $body[$body_count-1] .= $appendix;
else $body .= $appendix;
} else {
// We should try and append the appendix to a HTML tag first, before adding it directly to source.
$source .= $appendix;
// Put <body> back.
if($body) {
$empty_bodies = self::get_tags('body',$source);
if(count($empty_bodies[0]) > 0) {
if(is_array($body)) {
foreach($empty_bodies[0] as $i => $m) {
if(empty($body[$i])) $source = self::replace($m,'',$source); // Remove this tag if there are no contents for it.
else $source = self::replace($m,$empty_bodies[1][$i] . $body[$i] . $empty_bodies[3][$i],$source);
} else {
$source = self::replace($empty_bodies[0][0],$empty_bodies[1][0] . $body . $empty_bodies[3][0],$source);
unset($empty_bodies[0][0],$empty_bodies[1][0],$empty_bodies[2][0],$empty_bodies[3][0]); // Remove these matches as they have been used.
foreach($empty_bodies[0] as $m) $source = self::replace($m,'',$source);
} else trigger_error('Trying to put back <body> tag contents, but we cannot any empty <body> tag anymore!',E_USER_ERROR);
return $source;

// Shortcut for using substring replace.
private static function replace($search,$replacement,$subject) {
$idx = strpos($subject,$search);
if($idx !== false) return substr_replace($subject,$replacement,$idx,strlen($search));
return $idx;
// Finds tags of a certain name and returns an array of matches.
private static function get_tags($tagName,$source,$disallowNesting = true) {
switch(gettype($tagName)) {
case 'string':
$preg_tag = $tagName;
case 'array':
foreach($tagName as $k => $t) $tagName[$k] = preg_quote($t);
$preg_tag = implode('|',$tagName);
$src_end = strlen($source)-1; // Calculate last index of $source.
$result = array(array(),array(),array(),array()); // Simulate a preg_match() array; 0: full result, 1: opening tag, 2: contents, 3: closing tag.
$source_pointer = 0; // For tracking how far down the source we have been searching.
$regex = sprintf('@<(%s)(?:\\s[\\s\\S]*?)?/?>@i',$preg_tag);
$k = 0; // Counter for number of matches in loop below.
// Keep finding tags until we reach the end, or have no more matches.
// We are not using preg_match_all because we don't want to match the same content multiple times.
// e.g. If there is a <style> in a <noscript>, we only want to capture the <noscript>.
while($source_pointer <= $src_end){
// If there are no matches, end the loop.
if(!preg_match($regex,$source,$match,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE,$source_pointer)) break;
$result[0][$k] = $result[1][$k] = $match[0][0];
$source_pointer = $match[0][1];
// Match for self-closing tag. If it is not, then find the closing tag.
if(!in_array($match[1][0],self::$SelfClosingTags)) {
$result[2][$k] = $result[3][$k] = '';
// Move pointer beyond start tag.
$c_start = $match[0][1]+strlen($match[0][0]);
// Find ending / nested tags.
$match_preg = preg_quote($match[1][0]);
if(!preg_match('@<(?:(/)'.$match_preg.'\\s*|'.$match_preg.'[\\s\\S]*?)>@i',$source,$c_end_match,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE,$c_start)) {
// If there are no matches, it means that there are no further tags of this sort. Treat as floating tag.
$source_pointer = $c_start;
// If there is a nested opening tag, then let's handle it.
if(empty($c_end_match[1])) {
if($disallowNesting) {
trigger_error('You cannot nest <'.$match[1][0].'> tags inside each other in your source.');
return false;
$nests = 2;
while($nests > 0) {
$source_pointer = $c_end_match[0][1] + strlen($c_end_match[0][0]);
if(preg_match('@<(?:(/)'.$match_preg.'\\s*|'.$match_preg.'[\\s\\S]*?)>@i',$source,$c_end_match,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE,$source_pointer)) {
if(empty($c_end_match[1])) $nests++;
else $nests--;
} else {
$source_pointer = $c_start;
continue 2;
$c_end = $c_end_match[0][1];
$result[2][$k] = substr($source,$c_start,$c_end-$c_start);
// Compute for closing tag.
$c_term = $c_end+2+strlen($match[1][0]);
$char = substr($source,$c_term++,1);
while($char !== '>') {
// For malformed HTML documents.
if($c_term > $src_end) {
trigger_error('Incomplete closing tag found; your source has not been minified. Search "'.htmlspecialchars(substr($source,$c_end,$c_term-$c_end)).'" in the source below.');
return false;
if(!ctype_space($char)) {
trigger_error('You have a closing tag with attributes; your source has not been minified. Search "'.htmlspecialchars(substr($source,$c_end,$c_term-$c_end)).'" in the source displayed below to find the issue.');
return false;
// If everything is ok, move on.
$char = substr($source,$c_term++,1);
$result[3][$k] = substr($source,$c_end,$c_term-$c_end);
// Compute for full tag.
$result[0][$k] .= $result[2][$k].$result[3][$k];
$source_pointer += strlen($result[0][$k++]); // Moves the pointer downwards and increments $k.
$match = array();
return $result;
// Takes an opening HTML tag and segregates it into key value pairs in an array.
private static function get_tag_attributes($tag) {
if(isset($match[1])) {
if(preg_match_all('@([a-z0-9_\\-\\.:]+)(?:=("[\\s\\S]*?"|\'[\\s\\S]*?\'))?@i',$match[1],$attrb)) {
$r = array();
foreach($attrb[0] as $k => $a) {
if(empty($attrb[2][$k])) $r[$attrb[1][$k]] = true;
else $r[$attrb[1][$k]] = substr($attrb[2][$k],1,strlen($attrb[2][$k])-2);
return $r;
return null;
return null;
// Given a compression string, returns compressed HTML output.
// $excludedTags: Give an array of tags whose contents you don't want to compress.
public static function compress($out,$type,$excludedTags = null) {
// Remove all tags that are excluded and replace them after compression.
if(is_array($excludedTags)) {
$substitutes = array();
$tags = self::get_tags($excludedTags,$out);
foreach($tags[0] as $k => $t) {
$out = self::replace($t,"<!-- [[ htmlminifier_compressed_$k ]] -->",$out);
$substitutes[$k] = $t;
// Actual compression.
switch($type) {
case 'all_whitespace_not_newlines':
case 'pretty_indent':
$out = preg_replace("/^\\s+|\\s+$/m",'',$out);
case 'all_whitespace':
$out = preg_replace('/\\s+/m',' ',$out); // Temporary fix for Wordpress source.
// Return the substituted tags.
if(!empty($substitutes)) {
foreach($substitutes as $k => $t)
$out = self::replace("<!-- [[ htmlminifier_compressed_$k ]] -->",$t,$out);
// Return the compressed contents.
return $out;
// Removes CSS or JS comments
private static function remove_comments($source,$type = 'javascript', $ignoreCdataComments = true) {
// Uses the regular expressions in self::$RegexArray.
$regex = array(
// Capture these things, because otherwise comment characters in these boundaries will be captured.
'string_single' => "\\'.*?\\'",
'string_double' => '\\".*?\\"',
// Things that are captured and removed.
'comment_single' => '//[\\s\\S]*?\\R',
'comment_multi' => '/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*/'
if($type === 'css') $regex = array_merge(array('css_url_function' => 'url\\([\\s\\S]*?\\)'),$regex);
elseif($type === 'javascript' || $type === 'js') $regex = array_merge( array( 'js_regex_string' => '/(?!/|\\*).+?(?<!\\\\)/'),$regex );
$full_regex = '@(?:'.implode('|',$regex).')@i';
// Nab us everything in the regex.
if(preg_match_all($full_regex,$source,$match) <= 0)
return $source;
foreach($match[0] as $m) {
// Ignoring comment notated inside strings, regexes or the CSS URL function.
if(preg_match('/^'.$regex['string_single'].'$/',$m)) continue;
if(preg_match('/^'.$regex['string_double'].'$/',$m)) continue;
if($type === 'css' && preg_match('/^'.$regex['css_url_function'].'$/',$m)) continue;
if(!empty($regex['js_regex_string']) && preg_match('@^' . $regex['js_regex_string'] . '$@',$m)) continue;
// Ignoring components with CDATA.
if($ignoreCdataComments && preg_match('/(?:<!\\[CDATA\\[|\\]\\]>)/',$m)) continue;
$source = self::replace($m,'',$source);
return $source;
// Remove HTML comments in the source.
// $removedComments: Pass an array here to store all the removed comments.
// $conditionalsRecord: Pass an array here to get the indexes of all comments that are conditionals.
private static function remove_html_comments($source,&$removedComments = null,&$conditionalsRecord = null,$clean_normal_comments = true) {
// By capturing script and style tags too, we ignore HTML comments made INSIDE these tags.
$regex = array(
'comment' => '<!--([\\s\\S]*?)-->', // Remove all comments except [if ] blocks.
'script' => '(\\<(?:script|style)(?:\\s+[\\s\\S]*?)?\\>([\\s\\S]*?)\\</(?:script|style)\\s*?\\>)'
$full_regex = '@(?:'.implode('|',$regex).')@';
// Nab us all the comments!
// If the variable is not an array, null it.
if(!is_array($removedComments)) $removedComments = null;
if(!is_array($conditionalsRecord)) $conditionalsRecord = null;
$i = 0; // This is for numbering the comments.
foreach($match[1] as $k => $m) {
if($m) { // This will make it ignore all script / style tags.
$numbering = strval($i++);
// Do stuff if its an IE conditional comment.
// NOTE: Detection system will break in nested if statements.
$is_conditional = false;
if(preg_match('@^\\s*\\[if@i',$m)) {
if(preg_match('@<!\\[endif\\]$@i',$m)) $numbering .= 'c';
else $numbering .= 'cs';
$is_conditional = true;
} elseif(preg_match('@\\s*(<!)?\\[endif@i',$m)) {
$numbering .= 'ce';
$is_conditional = true;
// Note: Leaves an empty comment in place of the removed comments.
if($removedComments !== null) {
if($is_conditional || !$clean_normal_comments) $removedComments[$numbering] = $m;
$source = self::replace($match[0][$k],"<!-- [htmlminifier[$numbering]] -->",$source);
} else $source = self::replace($match[0][$k],"<!-- [htmlminifier[$numbering]] -->",$source);
return $source;
فایل theme.php رو باز کنید و قطعه کد زیر رو اضافه کنید در فاکنشن ایندکس : website_index قبل از return $contents; کد زیر رو اضافه کنید :

کد: انتخاب همه

 require_once 'HTMLMinifier.php';
 $html = file_get_contents($contents);
 echo HTMLMinifier::process($contents);
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درود بر همه
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